SJEB Marie Annese
OLSH Margo Arel
OLSH Eileen Bene, secretary
SJEB Michelle Blood
SJNB Maureen Caramiello, secretary
SJNB Richard Pitou Caron
SJNB Christie Driscoll
SJNB Darlene Lavin
SJNB Lynne Losurdo
SJEB Lou (Louise) Meyerdierks
SJEB Mike Mondor
OLSH Lois O'Leary
SJNB Carole Ryback
SJEB Judy Shute
SJNB Rick Wheeler, chair
SJEB Peter Wuelfing
OLSH Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish, West Brookfield and Brookfield
SJEB St. John the Baptist Parish, East Brookfield
SJNB St. Joseph's Parish, North Brookfield
Rob Miner, Chair
Maureen Caramiello, Secretary
Denise Kruckas
Ellen Van Der Sande